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Video Library

These short videos offer a provocation to our field.  We hope they will inspire you, provide a starting point for advocacy, and support your professional development.
Too Small to Fail
On June 14th, Hillary Clinton announced a new partnership with Too Small to Fail and asks Americans to join the movement -- for the future of our kids, and our country. www.toosmall.org
Change the First Five Years and You Change Everything
Early education programs do not supplant parents, but support them as their child's first and most important teacher. The sad reality is that many low-income parents grew up in poverty and may not have the tools to support their child's education. Evidence-based programs coach low-income parents on how to best support their child's education at school and at home starting before the child is born. Only by supporting the family can we narrow the achievement gap and break the cycle of poverty. http://www.ounceofprevention.org
Continuity of Care
Continuity of care is the third key to providing the deep connections that infants and toddlers need for quality child care. Programs that incorporate the concept of continuity of care keep primary infant/toddler care teachers and children together throughout the three years of infancy period., or for the time during that period of the child’s enrollment in care. Learn more now. Special thanks to J. Ronald Lally, Ed.D. and Peter L. Mangione, Ph.D. for their valuable insight and contributions.
Toxic Stress Derails Healthy Development
Learning how to cope with adversity is an important part of healthy development. While moderate, short-lived stress responses in the body can promote growth, toxic stress is the strong, unrelieved activation of the body's stress management system in the absence of protective adult support. Without caring adults to buffer children, the unrelenting stress caused by extreme poverty, neglect, abuse, or severe maternal depression can weaken the architecture of the developing brain, with long-term consequences for learning, behavior, and both physical and mental health. This video is part three of a three-part series titled "Three Core Concepts in Early Development" from the Center and the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. The series depicts how advances in neuroscience, molecular biology, and genomics now give us a much better understanding of how early experiences are built into our bodies and brains, for better or for worse. Healthy development in the early years provides the building blocks for educational achievement, economic productivity, responsible citizenship, lifelong health, strong communities, and successful parenting of the next generation. For more information, please visit: http://developingchild.harvard.edu
Experiences Build Brain Architecture
The basic architecture of the brain is constructed through a process that begins early in life and continues into adulthood. Simpler circuits come first and more complex brain circuits build on them later. Genes provide the basic blueprint, but experiences influence how or whether genes are expressed. Together, they shape the quality of brain architecture and establish either a sturdy or a fragile foundation for all of the learning, health, and behavior that follow. Plasticity, or the ability for the brain to reorganize and adapt, is greatest in the first years of life and decreases with age. This video is part one of a three-part series titled "Three Core Concepts in Early Development" from the Center and the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. The series depicts how advances in neuroscience, molecular biology, and genomics now give us a much better understanding of how early experiences are built into our bodies and brains, for better or for worse. Healthy development in the early years provides the building blocks for educational achievement, economic productivity, responsible citizenship, lifelong health, strong communities, and successful parenting of the next generation. For more information, please visit: http://developingchild.harvard.edu
Serve & Return Interaction Shapes Brain Circuitry
One of the most essential experiences in shaping the architecture of the developing brain is "serve and return" interaction between children and significant adults in their lives. Young children naturally reach out for interaction through babbling, facial expressions, and gestures, and adults respond with the same kind of vocalizing and gesturing back at them. This back-and-forth process is fundamental to the wiring of the brain, especially in the earliest years. This video is part two of a three-part series titled "Three Core Concepts in Early Development" from the Center and the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. The series depicts how advances in neuroscience, molecular biology, and genomics now give us a much better understanding of how early experiences are built into our bodies and brains, for better or for worse. Healthy development in the early years provides the building blocks for educational achievement, economic productivity, responsible citizenship, lifelong health, strong communities, and successful parenting of the next generation. For more information, please visit: http://developingchild.harvard.edu

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are traumatic events that occur in a child’s life before age 18. These experiences change the way a child’s brain develops, leading to life-long negative health and poor social outcomes.

Learn more at the links below from state and national resources.
Children’s Trust of South Carolina works statewide to prevent child abuse, neglect and injury.
CTA is a Community of Practice working to improve the lives of high-risk children through direct service, research and education. They recognize the crucial importance of childhood experience in shaping the health of the individual, and ultimately, society. By creating biologically-informed child and family respectful practice, programs and policy, CTA seeks to help maltreated and traumatized children.
Childhood experiences, both positive and negative, have a tremendous impact on future violence victimization and perpetration, and lifelong health and opportunity. As such, early experiences are an important public health issue.

Free Online Learning Opportunities

Providers working in programs in South Carolina will receive child care training credit for successful completion of the courses offered. Click on the logo above to see course offerings.
SC 15-Hour Health and Safety Pre-Service Certificate for Early Care and Education Professionals
